Wavlink Online Store Update Log

21/06/2024 WAVLINK

Uncover the latest advancements at Wavlink's online platform, focusing on user-centric enhancements and technological improvements. Delve into the details of how these updates, including optimized comment replies, streamlined shipping notifications, and mandatory guest checkout fields, aim to elevate customer engagement and satisfaction. Experience a smoother and more interactive shopping journey with these innovative changes designed to enrich the overall user experience.

Wavlink's online store upgrades aimed at enhancing user satisfaction and functionality. Explore font size optimizations, brand reinforcement, server performance improvements, and communication feature enhancements for a seamless shopping experience.

In order to better serve users who choose Wavlink, we continuously optimize the website's usability and enhance readability.

  1. Optimized font sizes for easier reading.
  2. Strengthened brand VI identification.
  3. Enhanced server performance and added U.S. server cluster nodes.
  4. Improved product inquiry reply function for enhanced readability, supporting replies with images, videos, punctuation, and line breaks.
  5. Optimized comment reply function.
  6. Enhanced shipping notification function.
  7. Made the "guest checkout" city field a required option.


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