We take every user who uses Wavlink products seriously

04/03/2024 WAVLINK

Many users have chosen our discount channel to purchase goods, but they are very skeptical that we will not ship the products.

Many users have chosen our discount channel to purchase goods, but they are very skeptical that we will not ship the products. 


We believe that every cent is hard-earned by the user and will not waste a single cent of the user's money. Integrity is the essence of Wavlink's business. We do not want to deceive any consumers or brand advocates, and we will take responsibility for all the discount policies we have implemented. We take every Wavlink user seriously.


Firstly, we guarantee that every user who has placed an order will receive their items as scheduled. If the product you purchased is out of stock in our inventory, we will choose an alternative model for shipment. Before shipping, we will communicate with you via email to confirm whether you agree to the substitute model. If you do not agree, we can offer a unconditional refund.


Secondly, WAVLINK online store is a direct subsidiary website of wavlink.com, and any actions on wavlinkstore.com represent Wavlink. Any behavior that does not comply with the rules will greatly damage the brand's reputation. Such actions are extremely detrimental to Wavlink and are not worth engaging in.


Furthermore, our coupons, points, and other promotional offers are designed as benefit programs for our brand supporters. Except for points and non-anonymous C-codes, which cannot be used simultaneously, other promotions can be stacked and combined. We do not plan to make any adjustments to this policy within the next year.


Finally, we hope that users who support Wavlink can witness the growth of the Wavlink brand together with us.


We do not provide additional online consultation services, but you can submit a ticket to us. Our ticket response time is within 24 hours from Monday to Friday. Tickets submitted on Saturday and Sunday will be responded to on Monday. You can also inquire directly on our official website. The email service on the official website is handled by our colleagues, who will forward any issues to the Wavlink Online Store team if needed.


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